Olive has visited hundreds of schools (predominantly primary) in Ireland over the past five years, reading her ghostly stories to 3rd to 6th classes. During the 40 minute readings, Olive shares several chapters of her books and answers the children's questions about the stories, what's it's like to be an author, where she gets her ideas from, etc. Signed posters are distributed at the end of each reading to the best questions and the session ends with a mini creative writing course, helping the children write their own stories.
There is no fee for a visit but there are two options, one of which is required to confirm a booking. Option A - the school distributes an info slip in advance of the visit and the children can purchase a book if they wish. One book €12, two books €20 and three books €28. Or, Option B - in the case of a DEIS school, the school can purchase 10 books at €120.
Olive has experience giving writing workshops to 1st and 2nd years in secondary schools. Drawing on her books for examples, she concentrates on character creation, character development, settings, dialogue, showing and telling etc.
Signed posters are distributed at the end of the workshop to the best questions. These workshops last 45 minutes or longer by arrangement. The charge for the visit is euro 120 which will include two books for the school library and the children may purchase the books if they wish. One book €12, two books €20 and three books €28.
Supporting a child's learning and understanding of the story can bring added benefit to the reader. Here we have prepared a handbook for teachers to use alongside the reading of the story to check comprehension and help the child engage with the content. The handbook covers Book 1: The Book of Ornis.
Children learn best when reading is backed up by fun activities. We have prepared colouring-in posters with imagery from the books to be downloaded and printed. Also audio readings of the first chapters of the books for children to enjoy the story through a different medium. We have also prepared posters for children to put on their walls at home or for use in the classroom. Please freely use these resources to support the children's learning and love of books.